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Traditional Bowls

Traditional bowls are turned from a single piece of wood.  Virtually all of the wood I use for these bowls comes from fallen trees, and wood that would have become firewood. I am inspired by the many surprises that reveal themselves as the bowl is turned and the beauty beneath the bark is discovered.  These are sample of the types and variety I make.


Box Elder, partly rotted away
5" dia x 5" tall

4" dia x 3" tall

4" dia x 4" tall


8" dia x 2" tall

10" dia x 3" tall

Partly spalted maple
8" dia x 2" tall

8" dia x 3" tall

Ambrosia maple
8" dia x 4" tall

Maple "suspended" bowl
7" square x 2" tall


Website content and photos © by Dick Sowa